On Jul 2, 8:49 pm, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 11:43 AM, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I mean what is the point of having two languages with the exact same
> > syntax?
> > Ruby: print 'blah'
> > Python: print 'blah'
> > Ruby: for x in blah: blah_blah_blah
> > Python: for x in blah: blah_blah_blah
> > WHAT?
> What's the point of having fifty languages in which "x+y" is an
> expression whose value is the sum of x and y? Let's ditch 'em all and
> just use one language, since _obviously_ the languages have the exact
> same syntax.

It seem ludicrous at first glance but it is true! We have to much re-
inventing going on!

> Common syntax is an aid to learning. It means you can transfer
> knowledge from one language to another. It doesn't make either
> useless.

Why do you constantly propagate multiplicity? Why do you feel that we
need 100 or so languages when about three would cover everything? Sure
people are free to create whatever Frankenstein language they want in
the confines of their hobby time, but we need standards and we need
them NOW.

We want the world and we want it now!


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