I have a histogram script in Python at
http://stromberg.dnsalias.org/svn/histogram/trunk/  It's under a UCI
(BSD-like) license.  Feel free to use it or borrow ideas from it.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Cathy James <nambo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please kindly help- i have a project where I need to plot dict results
> as a histogram. I just can't get the y- axis to print right.  May
> someone please help?  I have pulled my hair for the past two weeks, I
> am a few steps ahead, but stuck for now.
> def histo(his_dict = {1:16, 2:267, 3:267, 4:169, 5:140, 6:112, 7:99,
> 8:68, 9:61, 10:56, 11:35, 12:13, 13:9, 14: 7, 15:2}):
>    x_max = 17 #get maximum value of x
>    y_max = 400 #get minimum value of y
>    # print each line
>    print ('^')
>    for j in range(y_max, 0, -100):# draw
>        s = '|'
>        for i in range(1, x_max):
>            if i in his_dict.keys() and his_dict[i] >= j:
>                s += '***'
>            else:
>                s += '   '
>        print (s)
>        print (j)
>        # print x axis
>    s = '+'
>    for i in range(1, x_max):
>        s += '-+-'
>    s += '>'
>    print (s)
>    # print indexes
>    s = ' '
>    for i in range(1, x_max):
>        s += ' %d ' % i
>    print (s)
> histo()
> # I need it to look like this:
> 400 -|
>       |
>       |
>       |
>       |
> 300 -|
>       |
>       |   ******
>       |   ******
>       |   ******
> 200 -|   ******
>       |   ******
>       |   *********
>       |   ************
>       |   ************
> 100 -|   ***************
>       |   ******************
>       |   ************************
>       |   ***************************
>       |*********************************
>    0 -+-+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-
>       | 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
> --
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