I'm not entirely sure what the point of your exercise is - if you have
access to the net, ,why do you want to collate code examples? They are
frequently updated in the cookbook so an offline repository would
quickly become out of date.

However.... you've aroused my interest in something related. We all
know Python is significantly easier   for novice programmers to grasp
than, say, Java - I too am a newbie who started at uni with java and
wished I hadn't.

Tutorials are great, self paced learning is great, BUT, for the
complete beginner a well structured, offline course with examples,
exercises, tips etc. would be a brilliant resource. Python would fit
the bill as a demonstration language to teach Object Orientation, flow
control statements, other common constructs etc. A quick canvas of some
IT teachers I know indicates support for such a thing - perhaps even in
secondary shools (pre-uni).

What does everyone think it would take to start such a project, and
distribute it? or has it been done already?


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