
I just picked up my daughters' report cards for the year (they did well, 
thank-you) and was approached by the school administrator about writing 
an Acess application to help track attendance for next year 
(excused/unexcused, after so many unexcused absences a letter will be 
generated, etc.).  Since I have a feel for how large this request will 
become, I googled for school administration software on the Python site 
and was pleased to get 312 "hits".  There's software out there but -- 
alas -- it's difficult to tell what is being used, what people think, 
what's being maintained, etc. 

So...do any of you have experience with any of this software?  This is 
for a small (~400 students k-12), private school that is not swimming in 
taxpayer dollars and I would rather use Open Source because we will 
probably need to customize some reports, etc.  Any advice you have would 
be welcome.


Greg Lindstrom               501 975.4859 (office)
Senior Programmer            501 219-4455 (fax)
NovaSys Health               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Little Rock, Arkansas

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."  W.W.


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