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Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

               if data[i] in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):

That's a bummer: You create a list and then search linearily in in - where all you want to know is

if rngs[j] <= data[i] < rngs[j+1]

Attached is a script that does contain your old and my enhanced version - and shows that the results are equal. Running only your version takes ~35s, where mine uses ~1s!!!

Another optimization im too lazy now would be to do sort of a "tree search" of data[i] in rngs - as the ranges are ordered, you could find the proper one in log_2(len(rngs)) instead of len(rngs)/2.

Additional improvements can be achieved when data is sorted - but that depends on your application and actually sizes of data.

from math import *
from Numeric import *
from random import *
def Tkz2(tk,data):
     no_of_bins = 10
     tkns = []
     dmax = max(data)+1
     dmin = min(data)
     rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
     rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
     for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
          rngs[i] = dmin + (rng*i)
     for i in xrange(len(data)):
          for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
               if rngs[j] <= data[i] < rngs[j+1]:
                    tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
     return tkns

def Tkz(tk,data):
     no_of_bins = 10
     tkns = []
     dmax = max(data)+1
     dmin = min(data)
     rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
     rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
     for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
          rngs[i] = dmin + (rng*i)
     for i in xrange(len(data)):
          for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
               if data[i] in xrange(rngs[j], rngs[j+1]):
                    tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
     return tkns

data = range(20,12312)
res1 = Tkz('A', data)
res2 = Tkz2('A', data)

print res1 == res2

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