On 28-7-2011 23:07, smith jack wrote:
> I start many threads in order to make the work done, when the
> concurrent number is set to 300, all thing just works fine, but when
> the number is set to 350 or higher, error just comes out? what's wrong
> ? the error info is just as follows:   failed to start .
> I am confused, does this have something to do with the operating
> system, i am now using Linux, any suggestion to make the system to
> support more python threads?
> thank you :)

I don't think that many threads are going to help you in any meaningful way. 
with Python's GIL. Can't you redesign your program to use a fixed number of 
threads such
as 1 per cpu core?

Or check out the multiprocessing module.

But yeah, I think your OS is preventing you from creating more threads (either 
due to
some artificial limit or due to lack of system memory).



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