On 12/08/2011 03:03, goldtech wrote:

Say I have a very big string with a pattern like:


I want to split the sting into separate parts on the "3" and process
each part separately. I might run into memory limitations if I use
"split" and get a big array(?)  I wondered if there's a way I could
read (stream?) the string from start to finish and read what's
delimited by the "3" into a variable, process the smaller string
variable then append/build a new string with the processed data?

Would I loop it and read it char by char till a "3"...? Or?

You could write a generator like this:

def split(string, sep):
    pos = 0
        while True:
            next_pos = string.index(sep, pos)
            yield string[pos : next_pos]
            pos = next_pos + 1
    except ValueError:
        yield string[pos : ]

string = "akakksssk3dhdhdhdbddb3dkdkdkddk3dmdmdmd3dkdkdkdk3asnsn..."

for part in split(string, "3"):


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