On Aug 12, 1:35 pm, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> On 12/08/2011 18:02, kj wrote:
> > *Please* forgive me for asking a Java question in a Python forum.
> > My only excuse for this no-no is that a Python forum is more likely
> > than a Java one to have among its readers those who have had to
> > deal with the same problems I'm wrestling with.
> > Due to my job, I have to port some Python code to Java, and write
> > tests for the ported code.  (Yes, I've considered finding myself
> > another job, but this is not an option in the immediate future.)
> > What's giving me the hardest time is that the original Python code
> > uses a lot of functions with optional arguments (as is natural to
> > do in Python).
> > As far as I can tell (admittedly I'm no Java expert, and have not
> > programmed in it since 2001), to implement a Java method with n
> > optional arguments, one needs at least 2**n method definitions.
> > Even if all but one of these definitions are simple wrappers that
> > call the one that does all the work, it's still a lot of code to
> > wade through, for nothing.
> > That's bad enough, but even worse is writing the unit tests for
> > the resulting mountain of fluffCode.  I find myself writing test
> > classes whose constructors also require 2**n definitions, one for
> > each form of the function to be tested...
> > I ask myself, how does the journeyman Python programmer cope with
> > such nonsense?
> > For the sake of concreteness, consider the following run-of-the-mill
> > Python function of 3 arguments (the first argument, xs, is expected
> > to be either a float or a sequence of floats; the second and third
> > arguments, an int and a float, are optional):
> >     def quant(xs, nlevels=MAXN, xlim=MAXX):
> >          if not hasattr(xs, '__iter__'):
> >              return spam((xs,), n, xlim)[0]
> >          if _bad_quant_args(xs, nlevels, xlim):
> >              raise TypeError("invalid arguments")
> >          retval = []
> >          for x in xs:
> >              # ...
> >              # elaborate acrobatics that set y
> >              # ...
> >              retval.append(y)
> >          return retval
> > My Java implementation of it already requires at least 8 method
> > definitions, with signatures:
> [snip]
> I would declare:
>       short[] quant (float[], int    , float)
>       short   quant (Float  , Integer, Float)
> and see how it goes.
> "float" and "int" should be boxed to "Float" and "Integer"
> automatically.
> If the second and third arguments are frequently the default, then I
> would also declare:
>       short[] quant (float[])
>       short   quant (Float  )

This seems to be a very good solution but I would replace basic types
with wrappers

short[] quant (float[], Integer, Float)
short   quant (Float  , Integer, Float)

When you implement those two methods (where you need to check if
Integer, Float are not null) then you can define two more methods:

short[] quant (float[]) {
    return  quant (float[], null, null);

short quant (float) {
    return  quant (float, null, null);

That gives you 2 methods for unit testing.

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