On 15/08/2011 17:18, Lucio Santi wrote:

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Neil Cerutti <ne...@norwich.edu
<mailto:ne...@norwich.edu>> wrote:

    On 2011-08-14, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com
    <mailto:ros...@gmail.com>> wrote:
     > On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Irmen de Jong
    <irmen.nos...@xs4all.nl <mailto:irmen.nos...@xs4all.nl>> wrote:
     >> On 14-8-2011 7:57, rantingrick wrote:
     >>> 8. Use "e.g." as many times as you can! (e.g. e.g.) If you use
     >>> more than ten times in a single post, you will get an invite to
     >>> Guido's next birthday party; where you'll be forced to do shots
     >>> walking the balcony railing wearing wooden shoes!
     >> I lolled about this one, e.g. I laughed out loud. But where
     >> are the tulips and windmills for extra credit?
     >> Greetings from a Dutchman!

    No credit. E.g., i.e., exampla gratis, means, "for example."

The correct spelling is 'exempli gratia'. It's Latin.

i.e., on the other hand, comes from 'id est' ('that is'). Latin too.

I remember reading a book about polymorphism in programming. The author said
it came from Latin. Nope.

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