"Paul Wray" <paul.w...@det.nsw.edu.au> wrote:
>Ive had what I think is a great idea for pure-python templates (I can almost 
>hear the groans, bear with me...)
>The idea:
>Python syntax allows a statement to be a bare literal or identifier. These 
>have no effect on the program.
>So is this (within the appropriate class context of course):
>def body(self, r):
>        '<h1>'; self.heading; '</h1>'
>        '<ul>'
>        for itm in self.items:
>            '<li>'; itm; '</li>'
>        '</ul>'

This is essentially how the original CherryPy version 1 web framework
worked.    In the end, I think it was decided that this represented too
much of a mix of processing and presentation, and CherryPy 2 and 3 use a
different scheme.
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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