On 8/31/2011 7:43 AM, Yaşar Arabacı wrote:

I originally posted my question to here:
http://stackoverflow.com/q/7255655/886669 Could you people please look
at it and enlighten me a little bit? I would appreciate an answer either
from here or at stackoverflow.

I believe two people already gave my answer. If 'a' is bound to a str() object, "a.capitalize() will return a standard, unmodified str, not your custom class, so a.capitalize().mycustommethod() will fail.". If you reject that enlightenment, there is not much more to say. (And if you accept it, I am not sure what you still need.)

To put is a different way, if you want to chain together existing string methods and your new methods, you must start with objects of your new subclass and wrap every string method that you want to chain.

class mystr(str):
    def capitalize(s): return mystr(str.capitalize(s))

You ended up doing something like this in your edit #3, except you perhaps should not have the __init__ method (depending on what 'sozcuk' is) and you do the wrapping on every call instead of just once and use the generalized signature *arg,**kwds for every method, which will make tracebacks much less informative.

Terry Jan Reedy


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