On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 5:05 PM, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> On 06/09/2011 22:52, neubyr wrote:
>> I am trying to write a program which can email file's content using
>> smtplib. I am getting following error while using Python 2.6.6
>> version.
>> {{{
>> File "./killed_jobs.py", line 88, in sendmail
>>    msg = MIMEText(ipfile.read, 'plain')
>>  File "/home/ssp/sge/python/2.6.6/lib/python2.6/email/mime/text.py",
>> line 30, in __init__
>>    self.set_payload(_text, _charset)
>>  File "/home/ssp/sge/python/2.6.6/lib/python2.6/email/message.py",
>> line 224, in set_payload
>>    self.set_charset(charset)
>>  File "/home/ssp/sge/python/2.6.6/lib/python2.6/email/message.py",
>> line 266, in set_charset
>>    cte(self)
>>  File "/home/ssp/sge/python/2.6.6/lib/python2.6/email/encoders.py",
>> line 73, in encode_7or8bit
>>    orig.encode('ascii')
>> AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute
>> 'encode'
>> }}}
>> I am referring to email examples on the doc site
>> http://docs.python.org/release/2.6.6/library/email-examples.html#email-examples
>> . Following is the msg object part in my code:
>> {{{
>> ...
>> ...
>> def sendmail(inputfile):
>>         ipfile = open(inputfile, 'r')
>>         msg = MIMEText(ipfile.read, 'plain')
>>         ipfile.close()
>> ...
>> ...
>> }}}
>> I have tried setting subtype and chartype separately as mentioned here
>> - http://docs.python.org/release/2.6.6/library/email.mime.html, but
>> the error remains same. Any help on what might be wrong here?
> The docs say:
>    MIMEText(_text[, _subtype[, _charset]])
>    ... _text is the string for the payload ...
> You're passing ipfile.read, which is the read method of the file. You
> should be passing the string returned by calling ipfile.read, ie
> ipfile.read().
> --

thanks got pointing that..


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