Tim Roberts wrote:
> Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Ivan Shevanski wrote:
>>>Could someone send me a good tutorial for sending mail then? The one I 
>>>found is not what I'm looking for.  Also please dont send me the stmp 
>>>definition cause i've looked at that enough.
>>Here is a module I use to send mail to myself using smtplib:
> Not exactly like this, you didn't.  The list of destination addresses in
> SMTP.sendmail must be a sequence, not a string:

Yes, exactly like that. This is a working module, the only thing I changed to 
post it was the email address and the name of the SMTP server. SMTP.sendmail() 
allows a single string as a to address.

>From the comment in smtplib.py:
            - to_addrs     : A list of addresses to send this mail to.  A bare
                             string will be treated as a list with 1 address.

I admit, I may have figured this out by accident, but it *does* work! 


>>''' Send mail to me '''
>>from smtplib import SMTP
>>def sendToMe(subject, body):
>>   me = '"Kent Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
>>   send(me, me, subject, body)
>>def send(frm, to, subject, body):
>>   s = SMTP()
>>#    s.set_debuglevel(1)
>>   s.connect('mail.mycompany.com')
>>   s.ehlo('') # IP address of my computer, I don't remember why I 
>> needed this
>>   msg = '''From: %s
>>Subject: %s
>>To: %s
>>''' % (frm, subject, to, body)
>>   s.sendmail(frm, to, msg)
>     s.sendmail(frm, [to], msg)
>>   s.quit()
>>if __name__ == '__main__':
>>   sendToMe('Testing', 'This is a test')

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