I have been a desktop Linux user for better than eleven years, as a hobby.  
Back when we still did most of our computing on desktops I even set up a 
rudimentary server setup in my home.  Nothing fancy or anything, but I was 
proud of it and of the fact that it was built Microsoft free.  I have no 
formal education in IT nor programming.  Retired now, my career was finance; I 
was an IRS field agent.

Since retiring two years ago, I have renewed my interest in software.  I know 
some C and lately decided to learn Python.  I have worked through a couple of 
the introductory texts and have a feeling for the OOP model, although I won't 
be able to  call myself an experienced practitioner anytime soon.

I am looking for an open source project that will allow me to develop my 
skills further.

Financially, I'm set; I'm not looking for a job.  I'm looking for some drudge 
work, where I can look at other peoples' code and make a contribution.  
Naturally I do not want to do this forever; I'm hoping to get up to speed with 
my skill set so I can work to more complexity later.

Does anyone have some ideas that would help me?

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