
I'm trying to dig out details about what exactly is the return
value the of PyEval_EvalCodeEx function in Python 3.x
The documentation is sparse, unfortunately.

Perhaps I'm looking at wrong function.
My aim is simple, I need to execute Python code using Python interpreter embedded in my C++ application.
The Python code is a simple script that always returns single value.
For example:

#! /usr/bin/env python
def foo(a, b):
   return a + b
f = foo(2, 3)

But, f can be of different type for different script: one returns numeric value, another returns a sequence, so the type is not
possible to be determined in advance.

I know how to capture Python stdout/stderr.

I also know how to access the "f" attribute using
PyObject_GetAttrString and then I can convert "f" value to C++ type
depending on PyObject type.

However, I guess there shall be a way to access "f" value
directly from PyEval_EvalCode return object:

PyObject* evalRet = ::PyEval_EvalCode(...);

But, I can't find any details what the "evalRet" actually is.

Any pointers would be helpful.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

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