En Mon, 03 Oct 2011 12:03:18 -0300, amit <wilson.a...@gmail.com> escribió:

I am really stuck in a very simple problem and wanted to know if you
could take some time to check it out -

My code is simple. Using BaseHTTPServer and ThreadInMix I want to run
a python script (Script1.py) for every request made simultaneously.

If I open multiple tabs/pages in Chrome/Firefox/IE and give URL:
http://localhost:8080, the pages wait for previous page? This does not
imply threading? Any help? Thanks

Your code is fine, and Python behaves correctly. The browser is queuing all similar requests when it sees they all refer to the same URI. Had the first response contained an Expires: header in the future, there would be no need to ask again for the same object; the ETag: and Last-Modified: headers may play a role too. So, only after the first response is completely read, Chrome/Firefox/IE sees it is invalid and knows she cannot re-use the received body and has to issue the second request and waits again and ...

Try with different URLs for each request:
and you'll see they all are processed in parallel.

Gabriel Genellina


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