Anyone knows a framework for webapp development? I'm not talking about
javascript/html compilers and ajax frameworks. I need something that does
not require javascript knowledge, just pure Python. (So qooxdoo is not
really an option, because it cannot be programmed in Python. You cannot even put out a window on the center of the screen without using javascript code, and you really have to be a javascript expert to write useful applications
with qooxdoo.)

What I need is a programmable GUI with windows, event handlers and
extensible widgets, for creating applications that use http/https and a web
browser for rendering.

So you're looking for something like Google Web Toolkit but using
Python instead of Java...

Do you know about pyjamas (  I've never used it, but
I think it endeavours to be what you are looking for.
As I told, I'm not talking about javascript/html compilers and ajax frameworks. Pyjamas is both a javascript compiler and an ajax framework. My Python module would connect to a database server and query some data, then display it in a grid. This cannot be compiled into javascript because of the database server connection. With pyjamas, I would have to create the server side part separately, the user interface separately, and hand-code the communication between the widets and the server side. I would like to use this theoretical web based framework just like pygtk or wxPython: create windows, place widgets on them, implement event handlers etc. and access the widgets and other server side resources (for example, a database connection) from the same source code. Transparently. So the web part would really just be the rendering part of the user inferface. This may not be possible at all..

My other idea was to use a freenx server and wxPython. Is it a better solution? Have anyone used this combination from an android tablet, for example? Would it work?




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