Hi Lucasz,

> Thank you so much. I will ask our Plone administrator to test your
> script and I will write about result here.
You are wellcome. I think it is one of the easiest way of doing it.

> I thought also about Python script like
>  //connect to database 
>  >>> from ZODB import FileStorage, DB
>  >>> storage = FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs') 
>  >>> db = DB(storage)
>  >>> conn = db.open()
>  >>> dbroot = conn.root()
>  //here should be interation for DB which saves attributes output in
> to file
> I'm not able to write the second part, but I think that this shouldn`t
> be a problem for experienced Python developer. 
> How complex will be script like above?
I have to say it would be interesting to do something like that with
ZODB. Specially if you only have the Data.fs and don't have access to
the original Plone site. But I don't know how to do it. You may ask in
the ZODB list:




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