Mike C. Fletcher <mcfletch <at> vrplumber.com> writes:

> More: an undocumented entry point is not "deprecated" because, after
> all, it shows up in PyDoc as a regular method.

Deprecated methods also show up in PyDoc. Of course, if the deprecation is
mentioned in the docstring, users would see this - but if it isn't, they
wouldn't know until they got a DeprecationWarning.

> auto-translation via 2to3 (because you generally are calling log.warn()
> rather than logging.warning, but sometimes you are doing getattr( log,
> log_level ) and then passing that method around a few times), and it

That doesn't sound like a good usage pattern to me, especially as loggers have a
log method which takes the logging level. There shouldn't be any need to pass a
bound method around.


Vinay Sajip


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