---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Emile van Sebille <>
Date:  Thu, 03 Nov 2011 14:25:03 -0700

>On 11/3/2011 11:13 AM Behnam said...
>> Anybody is aware of any advanced course in Python preferably in north
>> america?
>> I've been partly coding in Python for couple of years now and have
>> used PyQt. What I'd like to learn more is a kind of advance OOP in
>> python. Any idea?
>This list works well for that.  Try answering all OOP related questions 
>as completely as possible and provide example code.  Those that know the 
>difference will promptly point out the improved and generally preferred 
>approaches.  When no one corrects you, you're done.
>Only-slightly-tongue-in-cheek-ly y'rs,

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