Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
You're still misunderstanding Python's object model. del does NOT
delete an object. It deletes a name. The only way for an object to be
deleted is for it to be inaccessible (there are no references to it,
or there are no reachable references to it).
foo = object()
bar = foo
<object object at 0x01CE14C0>
<object object at 0x01CE14C0>
del foo
<object object at 0x01CE14C0>

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined

There is no way to force the go_to_heaven method to delete the head
unless you can make sure that all other references to the head are
weak references. If you need strictly-enforced relationships, Python
is probably not the right language for the job- you'll be better off
with C++ or Java.

Having said all that, you could do something like:

class BodyPart(object):
    _alive = True
    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self._alive
    def die(self):
        self._alive = False

class Head(BodyPart):
    "will contain things like Brain, Eyes, etc"
    size = 5

class Body(BodyPart):
    def __init__(self):
        self._head = Head()
    def go_to_heaven(self):

John_Doe = Body()

if John_Doe:
    print "John Doe is alive!"
if John_Doe:
    print "uh oh - something wrong"
    print "John Doe is no longer with us"
    print "and his head is %s" % ('alive' if John_Doe._head else 'dead')

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