On 13-11-11 18:46, W. eWatson wrote:
For many months I had sporadically used 2.5.2 under Win 7, then
something went awry. I tried an uninstall/install and it didn't get any
better. I thought I'd take another shot at it today. The uninstall went
OK, but c:\python25 remained with several py files and a folder, Lib. I
went ahead with the install and got a msg that asked if I wanted to
write over the python25 folder.

I figured maybe I should ask about this. It's probably OK. Yes, I know I
have an old version of Python, but I need it occasionally.


Just go ahead and manually delete c:\python25 and everything in it.
But make sure that the leftover stuff in there is something you won't need again, or that you can get back by re-installing the third party library that it was part of.

Then re-install from the 2.5.2 msi. (Or perhaps 2.5.4).



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