> > I need 50k sockets + 100 files.
> >
> > Thus, this is even more strange: the Python (a Twisted service) will
> > happily accept 50k sockets, but as soon as you do open() a file, it'll bail 
> > out.
> A limit of 32k smells like a overflow in a signed int. Perhaps your system is
> able and configured to handle more than 32k FDs but you hit an artificial 
> limit
> because some C code or API has a overflow. This seems to be a known bug in
> FreeBSD http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-bugs/2010-
> July/040689.html

This is unbelievable.

I've just tested: the bug (in libc) is still there on FreeBSD 8.2 p3 ... both 
on i386
_and_ amd64.

Now I'm f***d;(

A last chance: is it possible to compile Python for not using libc fopen(),
but the Posix open()?

Thanks anyway for this hint!


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