On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 7:31 AM, W. eWatson <wolftra...@invalid.com> wrote:
> I installed it [Windows 7] about April 2010, and it worked for months. I then 
> stopped
> using it until around July 2011. It no longer worked in the IDLE sense.

Microsoft have broken things in many Windowses, and it's often hard to
figure out whether the fault is with the Windows version or with the
application. MS several times went to ridiculous effort to try to
ensure that broken programs that ran under version X would still run
under version Y, to the extent of being bug-for-bug compatible.

If you're having issues, grab a spare computer, throw Linux on it (I
recommend Ubuntu or Debian, others will have other preferred distros),
and see if the issues remain. Or if you're having trouble with the
GUI, try things from the command line (Windows's command interpreter
is pretty weak compared to bash, but it's plenty powerful enough).


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