
On Nov 21, 7:42 am, ray <r...@aarden.us> wrote:
> I don't see how to get my data from the output.  I can see the data in
> the rows but it is mixed in with the field names.  That is, the data I
> get comes out as:
> fieldname1 : data1 , fieldname2 : data2 , etc.
> import csv
> linelist=open( "C:/Users/me/line_list_r0.csv", "rb" )
> csvReader= csv.DictReader( linelist, dialect='excel' )
> for data in csvReader:
>         print data
> linelist.close()
> I want to pass this data as arrays or lists to another module such as:
> myfunction(data1, data2, data3)
> How do I get the data I want out of the pair fieldname1 : data1?
> Thanks,
> ray

It returns a dict(). You can reference the fields with
data['fieldname1'], etc.

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