On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:18:15 -0800, rusi wrote:

> On Nov 28, 9:37 am, alex23 <wuwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> With that approach in mind, I've never had any real issues using pip,
>> virtualenv etc for managing my development environment.
> Yes that is in a way my point also: we discuss (things like) pip,
> virtualenv etc too little.

I don't know about that. I think we discuss things like pip, etc. exactly 
the right amount.

> Try working out the ratio of the number of helps/tutorials on
> functions/lists/types/classes to those on these extra-linguistic
> features needed for environment/build/deployment/versioning and you can
> see the skewness of focus

We don't chase people down on the street and lecture them about the 
problems we think they are having, we answer questions about ACTUAL 
problems that they have experienced and asking about. If there are 10 or 
100 times more answers about (say) classes than about (say) pip, that is 
because there are 10 or 100 times as many questions about classes.

Maybe that's because pip users are cleverer, more experienced and don't 
have problems; maybe it's because only 1 in 100 people go on to use pip. 
Maybe it's because pip is a heap of trash that nobody touches; or perhaps 
it is so fantastic that nobody has any problems with it. Whatever the 
reason, there's no great big queue of unanswered questions about pip that 
I can see. Hence, ever question gets an answer, and we're discussing 
things about as much as we ought to.

(I don't mean to single out pip, it is just an example.)


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