Joshua Landau wrote:
Using currentLogger is just padding, in my opinion. *Every *value is "current<value>".
Not always. I try to keep names on the same object because that object is supposed to be named that way. I can change one of the object attribute, but the object named that way keep being the same.

Class Foo:
    self.banana = 5

myFoo = Foo()

Now there's a slight difference between

myFoo = Exception()
myFoo.banana = 4

The first statement rebind myFoo to something complitely different.
the second statement change one of the object rightfully named myFoo .. attribute (not sure about this construct :D )

Int being inmutable, you can rebind a name without changing its meaning.

In regards to a second name - yes this could work and in many cases would be desirable, but it doesn't really help this circumstance. [assume, for a moment, a lot of functions used a local logger] "localLogger" would tell you very little about what the logger actually /is/. You still have to look that up. [end assumption] Additionally, this would make changing a logger that uses the default to a local one /much/ harder. And don't say "but you can just always make a local copy", as then you lose the advantage of a global.

Typing something like "logger = childLogger(id)" to the start of a function call *is explicit*, it's clean, and it makes sense to have a default that's global. You're not appending cruft ("current") and you have consistency. If you added "logger = globalLogger" to every function start as well you can argue that it's better. I agree it's more explicit. But then you lose unneeded if only a small portion of your code localises logger. But I would recommend it if a large portion of code used local variants.


    The next time I'll illustrate meaningful names,  I'll write a 3000
    lines function, just to be sure no one states that my point
    does'nt apply to a function named spam which only counts from 1 to 3.
    And don't answer that the spam function above does not count from
    1 to 3, I know it doesn't.

You're acting in sarcasm to a comment on scale, when you yourself said that one of my comments was invalid due to names that were scaled down for exampling. It seems a bit hypocritical to me. That said, not all functions are long. If the short ones use short names that's fine: I'm pretty sure you said it's not.

And in regards to the link:
1) __add__ says otherwise (technically, the operator "+"). It's rarely confused me. 2) That's not what we're discussing. As it said: "As long as the parameter lists are semantically equal and the desired result is the same, all is well." They're doing semantically the same thing (to different log levels) with the same parameter lists and they're not class methods. You /could/ say that the semantics are different, but classes act in a context in the same way local variables can be thought of doing, and semantics are the same for them. Instead of a different self, it's a different log file/level. Same semantics.
I'd like to argue about that but I won't cause I have the feeling my lack of ultra precise english would cause me more trouble. Note that I'm not blaming anyone but me, no sarcasm inside.


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