On 18 dec, 13:39, Lie Ryan <lie.1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/18/2011 10:00 PM, nukeymusic wrote:
> > How can I load a python-script after starting python in the
> > interactive mode?
> > I tried with
> >>>> load 'myscript.py'
> >>>> myscript.py
> >>>> myscript
> > but none of these works, so the only way I could work further until
> > now was copy/paste line per line of my python-script to the
> > interactive mode prompt
> > I do know how to run the script non-interactively, but what I want to
> > do is adding lines to the code I have written thus far in interactive
> > mode.
> > thanks in advance
> > nukey
> The normal python shell doesn't directly support doing that, although
> there are several workaround with (ab)using the 'import' statement, it
> had several subtleties with how module are cached. Try the ipython
> shell; in ipython you can load a file into the current interpreter
> session using the %run magic command.

I guess you mean the following command?
%run 'myscript.py'

is this correct?


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