On 18 dec, 16:01, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> nukeymusic wrote:
> > thanks and also thanks to all the others who were so kind to help me
> > out with my first python-script.
> > I tested your alternatives and they work, the only a minor
> > inconvenience is that the first line of the inputfile gets lost i.e.
> > the first timestamp should become zero (seconds)
> That should be easy to fix:
> >> with open('testfile','r') as f, open('outputfile','w') as g:
> >>      first_date, first_rest = parse_line(next(f))
>         g.write("0 %s" % first_rest)
> >>      for line in f:
> >>          cur_date, rest = parse_line(line)
> >>          delta = cur_date - first_date
> >>          g.write("%s %s" % (int(round(delta.total_seconds())), rest))
thanks, that solves it, you're too kind



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