Peter wrote:
Situation: I am subclassing a class which has methods that call other
class methods (and without reading the code of the superclass I am
discovering these by trial and error as I build the subclass - this is
probably why I may have approached the problem from the wrong
viewpoint :-)).

Problem: when overriding one of these "indirectly called" superclass
methods I would like to take differing actions (in the subclass
instance) depending on whether it is the superclass or the subclass
instance performing the call.

Question: Is there any way to determine in a method whether it is
being called by the superclass or by a method of the subclass

Now I suspect that what I am doing is actually very muddy thinking :-)
and I don't want to attempt to explain why I am approaching the design
this way as an explanation would require too much work - I will
consider an alternative inheritance approach while waiting an answer,
but the answer to the question interested me (even if I do a redesign
and come up with a more "elegant" approach to the problem).

As you suspected, this is probably the wrong approach.

However since you asked for a solution anyway :o)

class Parent(object):
 def foo(self):
   # implementation by subclasses is still REQUIRED
   if self.__class__ is Parent:
      raise NotImplementedError()
   # common code for all foo methods
   print "calling foo"

class Child(Parent):
 def foo(self):
# You can still call the virtual method which contains some code
   # here the custom code

p = Parent()
c = Child()

Note that this is not the best approach, still acceptable because there is no code specific to a subclass in the base class.


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