On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Sebastian Rooks
<sebastian_rooks@lavabit.c_o_m> wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jan 2012 00:55:22 -0300, Sean Wolfe <ether....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>kindle? ipad? tablet?
> I'm interested in books, not files ...
> (seriously, now ... I don't have any of those devices)
>>also there is python programming for the absolute beginner, which is
>>agreat book but it's pretty beginner. But well written. At least
>>Also byte of python ... I think there's a hardcover version you can
> I think I saw that second one somewhere already. I'll check out the
> first link, also. Thanks!

Yeah I hear you, I moved to Argentina from the US this year and my
ipad + kindle app has been great. I can buy lots of books which I
can't get down here and get access to them immediately, and I can
carry a whole library in my backpack. So +1 if you are thinking about
it. I like physical books as well but the portability factor is

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