On 13 January 2012 17:39, Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 00:17, Sean Wolfe <ether....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hmm I didn't know this, nice to know. Yes, C++ is still enough
> > overhead that I wouldn't want to try extending it ... I bet the code
> > is a whole lot to try and grok.
> >
> When Apache got the LibreOffice project they heavily refactored the
> code. As a result, LO is considered less of a monstrosity to hack on
> than Open Office.

Once again, a nitpick. Apache did not get the LibreOffice project, but the
Openoffice.org project from Oracle. LibreOffice is a fork of openoffice and
a foundation independant from Apache. Work has been done to simplify the
code, but I wouldn't say it is much better: they can do a limited amount of
job with a limited amount of developpers (mostly old OOo devs). So yes,
there are less comments written in german than there used to, but it is
still a very old, buggy code in which changing a line causes lots of pain.

> That said, if your goal is to "try to extend" an application, then
> being written in Java as opposed to C++ would be an advantage, not a
> disadvantage. Especially in an application the size of OOo. That said,
> only a few dialogues and wizards (none critical) are written in Java.
> Most is C++.
> > It would be nice to have an office suite in a newer language that is
> > easier to tinker with.
> Take a look at Calligra, C++ with Qt. It is supposed to be very easy
> to extend and port, in fact that was a design goal.
> http://calligra-suite.org/
> --
> Dotan Cohen
> http://what-is-what.com/what_is/python.html

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