On Jan 19, 4:00 am, John Nagle <na...@animats.com> wrote:
>    It turns out that installing Python 2.7.2 on CentOS 6.0 is a lot of
> work.

There must have been some radical changes between Centos 5 & 6, then,
as building Python 2.7 from scratch took all of 10 minutes.

>  Here are the official CentOS install instructions:

The person who posted that has the forum designation "Newbie". Those
aren't the official anything.

> Not only do you have to build Python from source, you have to install
> a lot of stuff before you can even build it.  Then you have to install
> various Python packages from multiple sources.  Python doesn't work
> with "yum"; you have to do it the hard way.
> I know how to do all this, but it takes hours.

So you're of course building an rpm as you go to prevent the need for
you or anyone else having to do this again, right? You're not some
selfish asshole who expects "The Python Community" to do everything
for him, are you?

> Python does not "just work".  I should be able to command
> "yum install python27".  (And not clobber the Python 2.6 that
> comes with CentOS.)

If only someone had just recently boasted about being able to do just
this and had built an rpm to prove it...

>     This sort of thing is why Python is losing market share.

If Python is losing anything it's from the endless FUD spouted by
yourself and others.

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