On 22/01/2012 16:05, Dan Sommers wrote:
On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 05:25:25 +0000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Or they've been writing Python code since before version 2.2 when True
 and False were introduced, and so they are used to the "while 1" idiom
 and never lost the habit.

That would be me.

As per a now-ancient suggestion on this mailing list (I believe it was by
Tim Peters), I've also been known to use a non-empty, literal Python
string as a self-documenting, forever-True value in the typical loop-and-a-
half cnstruct:

     while "the temperature is too big":
         temperature = get_temperature()
         if temperature<= threshold:

This way, even though the loop condition is buried inside the loop (which
could be longer than four lines), it is apparent as soon as I encounter
the loop.

And the output of "dis" shows that it's optimised to a forever loop.

With the advent of the "with" statement, though, these loops are slowly


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