On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The fact is, Unicode is nothing more than a monkey patch for language
> multiplicity. A multiplicity that is perpetuated on the masses due to
> a blind adherence to the cult of xenophobia.

I agree. We need to abolish all languages but one, and let that one
language be at once a natural language, an algebraic language, a
programming language, and unprintable language (because let's face it,
once you do the rest, most people will demand profanity). Once again,
when there is a need, the solution can be found.


This is a very simple language; anyone could learn it in a day. It is
also an expressive language - it can be mathematically proven to be as
powerful as any other on the market (more so than many!). Rick, don't
fork Python; fork Ook and be the true savior of the world!

Chris Angelico

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