Am 23.01.2012 22:48, schrieb M.Pekala:
I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
be appreciated.

Regardless of the outcome here, I would say that your code is still a bit wonky on the handling of partial data and gaps due to buffer overflows in the serial port buffers.

I'd start with something like this:

import unittest

class SensorReader(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def parse(self, buffer):
        """store and parse given input"""
    def get_sample(self):
        """retrieve a single sample parsed from input data

        This returns a tuple containing the sensor name and the
        value. In case some input data was not parseable, it
        returns a tuple with an empty string and the unrecognized


class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.handler = SensorReader()

    def test_empty_buffer(self):
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, None)

    def test_input_1(self):
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('A', 1234))

    def test_input_2(self):
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('A', 1234))
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('B', 5678))

    def test_invalid_input(self):
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('', '234$'))
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('B', 5678))

    def test_partial_input(self):
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, None)
        r = self.handler.get_sample()
        self.assertEqual(r, ('B', 5678))

Concerning the parsing itself, there is a "find" function in the str class which you can use. Just search for dollar signs and take the data in between. If it's empty, the first one is the end and the second one the start of the next sample, so you can discard the content. Having tests as above will make it a breeze for you to figure out actual implementation. You could also start off with regexes and then switch to linear scanning for speed.


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