contro opinion wrote:

> please download the attachment ,and put in  c:\

Your data didn't make it through.

> and run the folloeing code:
> from struct import unpack
> file_obj = open('c:\\', 'r')

Open the file in binary mode to disable CRNL-to-NL translation which will 
corrupt your binary data.

file_obj = open('c:\\', 'rb')

> day =
> while day:
>             parsed = list(unpack('LLLLLLL', day[:28]))
>             print parsed
>             day =

> [20081024, 1875631, 1888101, 1825526, 1839621, 31704770, 51634501]
> テi2Iロ
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\", line 5, in <module>
>     parsed = list(unpack('LLLLLLL', day[:28]))
> error: unpack requires a string argument of length 28
> why i can't  parse all of them??i just can get  a small  part of them.

I believe a '\x1a' byte marks the end of a text file. Maybe you've run into 
one of these.


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