On Jan 30, 2012, at 7:00 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:41:00 -0500, Charles Yeomans wrote:
>> To catch more than one exception type in an except block, one writes
>> except (A, B, C) as e:
>> I'm wondering why it was decided to match tuples, but not lists:
>> except [A, B, C] as e:
> Simplicity.
> If you also allow lists, then why not allow arbitrary sequences? What 
> about iterators, do you allow them? That could be awkward, because 
> iterators can only be run through once. Dictionaries are also iterable, 
> so once you allow arbitrary iterables, you get dicts. The whole thing 
> becomes a mess. Better to keep it simple and only allow a single 
> canonical collection type, and in Python, that type is tuple, not list.
> Tuples are that canonical collection type because they have a number of 
> desirable properties:
> - Tuples are small and memory efficient, using the smallest amount of
>  memory needed to hold their items. Lists typically carry a block of
>  spare memory, to make insertions fast.
> - Consequently the Python virtual machine can create them rapidly and
>  efficiently.
> - Tuples are immutable, so you don't have to worry about passing one to a
>  function and having the function modify it behind your back.
> - Tuples are ordered, for the times where that matters.
> - Since the typical use-case is to iterate over the items in fixed order,
>  there's no need to pay the extra expense for a dict or set.
> - Tuples are simple to write: in general you only need commas between
>  items. Sometimes, to avoid ambiguity or change the precedence of
>  calculation, you also need round brackets (parentheses for Americans).
>  Except clauses are one of those times.
> - Frozensets and sets are ruled out for historical reasons: they didn't
>  exist until Python 2.3. Besides, which would you rather write?
>      ("abc", "def")
>      frozenset([abc", "def"])
> - Sets and lists are ruled out because they are mutable, both require
>  much more memory, and sets have a heavier computational burden.
>> The latter makes more sense semantically to me -- "catch all exception
>> types in a list" as opposed to "catch this single thing composed of
>> three exception types".
> Then you are labouring under a misunderstanding. You're not catching a 
> tuple, because tuples are never thrown. You're catching any of the 
> exceptions that are contained in that tuple.
> Both lists and tuples *are* single things in themselves. Both lists and 
> tuples are containers:
> A list is a single thing that contains other things. 
> A tuple is a single thing that contains other things.

I don't think of a tuple as a container, and I don't think it a 
misunderstanding on my part to think this.  But I am aware that it is common to 
use tuples as immutable lists.  

I don't see that performance was really a consideration, given that one can use 
any expression in an except statement --

except IOError if today == 'Monday' else OSError as e


L = []

except tuple(L) as e:

except Exception, e:

In any case, though I appreciate your attempt at a post hoc justification, I 
was hoping for a positive explanation. 

Charles Yeomans


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