On 1/31/2012 9:19 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

A: "My wheel is flat"
B: "Buy a new car"

A better analogy would be

Q. "How do I make my old model car do something (it cannot do)?"
A. "Get the free new model that has that feature added."

Of course, there is a cost to giving up the old and familiar and learning and adjusting to the new, even when it is available gratis. A husband wearing an old sweater after his wife gives him a new one, and even retrieving it from the trash when she tosses it out, is a classic (and true) cartoon joke.

But I am sure that 95% of readers here will be using 3.x withing 10 years. The only question for them is "When?". This not-well-known new feature is one straw that some will put on the 'sooner' side of the balance.

Terry Jan Reedy


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