On 02/01/2012 12:11 PM, Olive wrote:
I am learning python and maybe this is obvious but I have not been able
to see a solution. What I would like to do is to be able to execute a
function within the namespace I would have obtained with  from<module>
import *

For example if I write:

def f(a):
        return sin(a)+cos(a)

I could then do:

from math import *


But I have polluted my global namespace with all what's defined in
math. I would like to be able to do something like "from math import *"
at the f level alone.

The main reason for this is the sympy module for CAS (computer algebra).
It reimplement a lot of functions and define all the letters as symbolic
variables. Writing sympy.<function>  everywhere is inconvenient.
Importing all the symbols in the global namespace would lead to name
clash. It would be nice if I could import all the sympy names but for a
given function only.


Start by specifying python version and operating system.

I tried your experiment using Python 2.7 and Linux 11.04

def f(a):
    from math import sin, cos
    return sin(a) + cos(a)

print f(45)

Does what you needed, and neatly. The only name added to the global namspace is f, of type function.

I was a bit surprised that using from math import * inside the function worked, but it generates a warning:
olive.py:2: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
  def f(a):

I normally avoid any use of the "from XX import *" form, as it pollutes the global name space. The only exception is when a library writer documents that this is the "normal" way to interface to it. In this case, he usually defines just a few things that are visible this way)

What I do is put a single import math at the top of my source file, and use math.sin, and math.cos where needed. Occasionally, I'll use something like:

     from math import sin,cos

at the top, so I know just which symbols I'm defining.

How about:

import math

def f(a):
    sin = math.sin
    cos = math.cos
    return sin(a) + cos(a)

print f(45)

This lets you explicitly use the sin and cos names inside the function, by defining them at entry to the function.




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