"Steve Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 11:51:02 -0500, tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> >Let me add an Item #3 -
> >If you have some entrepeneurial savvy and can keep your emotions out of
> >it tou can simply tell them you have decided strike out on your own and
> >tell them that you will be available. They will be happy to hear you are
> >leaving and happier still to hear you can be available for backup.
> >Their goals and fears are addressed at the same time.  AND there is a
> >high possibility that they will *need* you at a later date for which you
> >can charge them dearly.
> >
> >That last item #3 has actually worked for me with (2) prior employers.
> >I did have to eat my indignation and keep it friendly but it did pay off
> >in the end.
> >Thomas Bartkus
> I have to say that, although I have yet to write a line of Python code for
> money, I've found that this concept basically works.  When you realize
> your employer is cutting you out to save the cost of paying you, funny
> they'll be willing to -really- pay you as a consultant later when they get
> stuck, and one or more paying customers are impacted.

Yup! It's theold stupid + greedy double whammy that means they end up paying
Your not feeling sorry for them, are you?

> They also win't mind
> figuring out how to have you come in after hours so it won't conflict with
> your new day job if you have one.  In my case, the work was in VB/VBA, but
> same principle should apply to any technology.
> Do make sure that your contract with any new employer allows you to do at
> least small amounts of moonlighting - they probably won't object.  They
> insist that any moonlighting shall not compete with their line of
> and you should agree to that stipulation.

How much of *my* time are they buying with a salary?  40Hrs a week?  24/7 ?
You want to see that your contract as an employee doesn't somehow forbid you
from earning extra on your own time.  Unless, of course,  they are paying
enough to make you happy to sell them *all* your time.  Sometimes you are
hired mainly to keep your skills unavailable to their competitors.  Thats ok
as long as they pay you enough to keep you happy with this. Unless they are
paying for it, your own free time is none of their business.

Thomas Bartkus


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