> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Resurrecting an old thread..
> > It seems that this solution does not return events on objects within
> > frames in webpages eg . if you go to www.andersondirect.com - the page
> > is composed of three frames called as topFrame main and address. Now
> > when I click on say 'Select a Vehicle' which is within main - I do not
> > get any Onclick event. I also do not get an OnMousemove event if I move
> > the mouse. However, I do get on Mousemove event on a tag called as
> > frameset (which is part of the top page).
> > How does one get events from the frames then?
> > As always thanks a lot.
> >

"Roger Upole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Each frame acts as a separate document.
> You should be able catch document events
> from a frame using something like
> win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(ie.Document.frames(<nbr of
frame>).document, <your event class>)
>           Roger

What Roger said is correct, however the frames you're wanting on that site are
running Flash apps.  I'm not aware of any method that allows one to intercept
clicks within a Flash app. And even if you could determine a click occurred,
you'd have to figure out where in the app precisely and what Flash will do with
information.  I suspect this is not possible by design (i.e. security reasons,



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