On 02/06/12 12:48, Aaron France wrote:
On 02/06/2012 09:57 AM, Matej Cepl wrote:
Silly, of course, the solution is obvious ... I have just
embedded random.choice from 2.6 to my code.

Is the above actually a good idea though?

What I understand you're doing is embedding the source from
the Python2.6 random.py file, /into/ your project files?

In an ideal world, the code wouldn't have broken backwards compat. However, given the conditions, if Matej is willing to forgo bug-fixes, it's a reasonable solution. The alternate might be to try moving the recent/fixed version into the old project and updating tests/data to work with it. I have some 2.4 production code in which I've pulled 2.6's zipfile module in to give access to the iterator access (rather than the .read() method which tries to read in umpteen gigs of data that I just want to spool out to a file on disk).



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