On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> # Py>=3.0
> py> sum(earner.get_income(2012) for earner in earners2012) /
> len(earners2012)
> average_income
> Once you exceed that amount you are robbing your fellow man. How can
> you justify making more than your fair share UNLESS someone offers
> their work load to YOU? You can't. You are living in excess. And for
> those who think the average_income is too small, well then, it's time
> to implement population control!

My equation looks something like this:

# Brain >= 0,1
brain> Your contribution to society / Society's contribution to you

This value should be able to exceed 1.0 across the board. In fact, if
it doesn't, then as a society we're moving backward.

Rick, what's YOUR ratio?

Oh wait, you mightn't be able to run that code. You may need to
download an upgraded brain.


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