I was successful in testing pickle with multiple objects both READ & WRITE.

I did WRITE as -

import pickle

class apple_Class(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwds):
myInst = apple_Class()
myInst.FirstString = "Apple"
myInst.SecondString = "Orange"

with open('/tmp/readfile.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump((myInst.FirstString, myInst.SecondString), f)

I did READ as -


import pickle

class apple_Class(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwds):

myInst = apple_Class()
with open('/tmp/readfile.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    myInst.FirstString, myInst.SecondString = pickle.load(f)

print myInst.FirstString
print myInst.SecondString

Both worked successfully.

Now, I have to write a file having below three things -

- Having dictionary of many instances
- string as a Key
- Instances as Value.

Finally, I have to do the same thing as above to WRITE in separate file and
READ in separate file.

So, the issues is simply how to handle many instances in a dictionary with
Key and Value.

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