Xah Lee <xah...@gmail.com> writes:


> # perl
> # in-place algorithm for reversing a list.
> use strict;
> use Data::Dumper;
> use POSIX; # for “floor”
> my @listA = qw(a b c d e f g);
> my $listLength = scalar @listA;
> for ( my $i = 0; $i < floor($listLength/2); $i++ ) {
>   my $x = $listA[$i];
>   $listA[$i] = $listA[ $listLength - 1 - $i];
>   $listA[ $listLength - 1 - $i] = $x;
> }
> print Dumper(\@listA);

Better algorithm for that (expects an array reference as first

sub rev
    my $a = $_[0];
    my ($n0, $n1, $x);
    $n0 = 0;
    $n1 = $#$a;
    while ($n0 < $n1) {
        $x = $a->[$n0];
        $a->[$n0] = $a->[$n1];
        $a->[$n1] = $x;

NB: The fact that a sufficiently sophisticated compiler might be able
to fix this automatically emphasizes the deficiencies of the original
attempt, it doesn't excuse them.

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