John Nagle <> writes:

>    The library bug, if any, is that you can't apply
>       unicode(s, errors='replace')
> to a Unicode string. TypeError("Decoding unicode is not supported") is
> raised.  However
>       unicode(s)
> will accept Unicode input.

I think that's a Python bug. If the latter succeeds as a no-op, the
former should also succeed as a no-op. Neither should ever get any
errors when ‘s’ is a ‘unicode’ object already.

> The Python documentation
> ("";) does not
> mention this. It is therefore necessary to check the type before
> calling "unicode", or catch the undocumented TypeError exception
> afterward.

Yes, this check should not be necessary; calling the ‘unicode’
constructor with an object that's already an instance of ‘unicode’
should just return the object as-is, IMO. It shouldn't matter that
you've specified how decoding errors are to be handled, because in that
case no decoding happens anyway.

Care to report that bug to <URL:>, John?

 \          “Those who write software only for pay should go hurt some |
  `\                 other field.” —Erik Naggum, in _gnu.misc.discuss_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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