On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:34:47 +0100, Kiuhnm wrote:

> I've just started to read
>    The Quick Python Book (2nd ed.)
> The author claims that Python code is more readable than Perl code and
> provides this example:
> --- Perl ---
> sub pairwise_sum {
>      my($arg1, $arg2) = @_;
>      my(@result) = ();
>      @list1 = @$arg1;
>      @list2 = @$arg2;
>      for($i=0; $i < length(@list1); $i++) {
>          push(@result, $list1[$i] + $list2[$i]);
>      }
>      return(\@result);
> }
> --- Python ---
> def pairwise_sum(list1, list2):
>      result = []
>      for i in range(len(list1)):
>          result.append(list1[i] + list2[i])
>      return result
> --- ---
> It's quite clear that he knows little about Perl.
> Here's what I would've written:
> sub pairwise_sum {
>      my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
>      my @result;
>      push @result, $list1->[$_] + $list2->[$_] for (0..@$list1-1);
>      \@result;
> }
> Having said that, the Python code is still more readable, so there's no
> need to misrepresent Perl that way.
> Now I'm wondering whether the author will show me "good" or "bad" Python
> code throughout the book. Should I keep reading?
> Kiuhnm

I have a simple experience which to me demonstrates python must be fairly 

I gave a copy of a small utility to a friend of mine, whilst running it 
he found an obscure case that would cause a crash, he has only limited 
programming experience of any sort but from the python trace-back he was 
able to read my code & made a suggestion of what he thought would fix the 
issue, this suggestion was spot on.

Necessity is a mother.

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