On 03/20/12 09:59, Joi Mond wrote:
To All, Can someone help me with the proper code to compute
combinations for n=7, r=5 for the following list of numbers:
7, 8, 10, 29, 41, 48, 55. There should be 21 combination. Also
once there list is made can a code be written to add (sum)
each of the set of five number in the the list. For example
list: 8, 10, 29, 48, 55, = 150. Thanks

Sounds like you want to read up on itertools.combinations() and the sum() function.



  >>> import itertools
  >>> help(itertools.combinations)

This sounds like a homework problem, so I won't hand you the answer, but you pass your list to combinations() with the grouping-size (r). You then iterate over the results of that, and use sum() on the results.



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