On Friday, 23 March 2012 16:43:40 UTC, Grzegorz Staniak  wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been asked by a colleague for help in a small educational
> project, which would involve the recognition of patterns in a live 
> feed of data points (readings from a measuring appliance), and then 
> a more general search for patterns on archival data. The language 
> of preference is Python, since the lab uses software written in
> Python already. I can see there are packages like Open CV,
> scikit-learn, Orange that could perhaps be of use for the mining
> phase -- and even if they are slanted towards image pattern 
> recognition, I think I'd be able to find an appropriate package
> for the timeseries analyses. But I'm wondering about the "live" 
> phase -- what approach would you suggest? I wouldn't want to 
> force an open door, perhaps there are already packages/modules that 
> could be used to read data in a loop i.e. every 10 seconds, 
> maintain a a buffer of 15 readings and ring a bell when the data
> in buffer form a specific pattern (a spike, a trough, whatever)?
> I'll be grateful for a push in the right direction. Thanks,
> GS
> -- 
> Grzegorz Staniak   <gstaniak _at_ gmail [dot] com>

It might also be worth checking out pandas[1] and scikits.statsmodels[2].

In terms of reading data in a loop I would probably go for a producer-consumer 
model (possibly using a Queue[3]). Have the consumer constantly try to get 
another reading, and notify the consumer which can then determine if it's got 
enough data to calculate a peak/trough. This article is also a fairly good 

That's some pointers anyway,



[1] http://pandas.pydata.org/
[2] http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://docs.python.org/library/queue.html

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